You can search for specific newsletter articles by using the webpage search feature on your website browser.
Use the  “CTRL + F” keyboard command and enter your search criteria.


June 2024


May 2024


January 2024

New Members AA5JF & N4VZ
Annual Meeting
State QSO Party Challenge


December 2023

Annual Meeting
YJ Dxpedition
N1MM+ Tips

October 2023

Contest Tips
The Burton Bandits
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: Setting up WSJT-X, creating .ini files,
USB cable woes, SO1V, Logging QSO Party operations from a County Line

September 2023

Contest Tips
Disturbances to Propagation
Pre & Post Contest Checklist
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: Options underneath the Help area of the Menu bar, QTC’s, FT-x crashes

August 2023

Contest Tips
What Kind Of Beast is a CWT?
Super Check Partial Files
Someone Not Identifying Enough?
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips

July 2023

Contest Tips: Dealing With QRM
Logic Behind a Contest Exchange
CWops Tests (CWTs) 
The Type Of Cluster You Use For Spots Matters
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: Dealing with slow computer response, Telnet filtering

June 2023

Contest Tips
Thoughts of Winning
Tips on Winning From CWOPS Reflector Postings
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: Adjusting the RIT Freq, CATA1ASC RT1 & TS-590, Slow PC response when running assisted

May 2023

Contest Tips
Experience the Wonders of Solar Cycle 25’s Solar Minimal
General SFCG Info For Newer Members
SouthPaws CWOPS post 58877
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: OneDrive warning, N1MM Appendences, Cat Commands, Com Ports, FTDI

April 2023

Contest Tips
Madeira Goulash & MO2R
Simple Repair for Damaged N-Female RF Connectors
Your Rig Power Cable May Be Hurting You
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: N1MM Entry Window (Updated from March 2020)

March 2023

Contest Tips
SCQP- KY4ID/AA5JF Expedition After Action Review
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: Using Fkeys

February 2023

Presidents Corner VOTA 2023
SCQP Wants You!
Contest Tips
A Qualitative Analysis of Amateur Radio CW Transmit Signals
SFCG Annual Meeting
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: Useful keyboard shortcut keys

January 2023

SFCG Meeting Notice
SFCG Officer Nomination Period
Volunteers On The Air (VOTA)
Contest Tips
Plenty of Options When Learning CW
Observations by the Editor A-Z ham shack tips
N1MM+ Tips: Remote Operating/UDP Data


December 2022

EI8IC Contesting Tips
ARRL Insurance
CW Pileup Busting Tips from CWOPS
Observations by the Editor A- Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Font tips, Window layout, Using CAT commands, {SPOTME} macro

November 2022

Contest Tips
Running on CW
Rate Meter Deception
Observations by the Editor A- Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Call History Files, DVK stop message playback, OneDrive warning

October 2022

**New Editor Kevan N4XL
Contest Tips
What Do I Do If…? Is That Legal?
Observations by the Editor A- Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Spectrum Window, Adding a stand-alone SDR, Greyline map, new feature for statistic window

September 2022

How ARRL Contest Rule Changes Come About
One Tool for Improving
From LICW Reflector

August 2022

Your Antennas Health Checkup
Winding binocular cores with magnet wire
Symptoms of damaged PA or blown finals on HF Transceivers

July 2022

Choosing a HF antenna
Long path propagation or
short path propagation on HF?
Wind, Rain, Flooding

June 2022

N2OG Remote Station
Screening Vacuum Tubes
N4XL WPX CW Lessons Learned

May 2022

VOACAP Features Use
Touch Portal
Interesting Reading about Computer Science
Reference Material suitable for framing|

April 2022

What Kind Of Beast is a CWT? By K2SX
Super Check Partial Files By
More Contest Tips

March 2022

Reverse Beacon Network Information
A Short History of the Reverse Beacon Network
Geomagnetic Storm Leads to Loss of Up to 40 Starlink Satellites
Video link: CME’s & EMP’s
Video Link: HF Propagation
Video Link: HF Propagation 101
MMANA Antenna Modeling Software
Video Link: Idiot Guide To Antenna Modeling
Video Link: Antenna Modelling For Complete Beginners

February 2022

Presidents Corner-Club Dues
My interview with new member, Vicki Carnes, W4NQX
An introduction to Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network
Propagation Propagation Propagation
Beacons by Nigel G4KIU
“Top features In N1MM Logger that you should
be using, but aren’t” by Tom Wagner, N1MM

January 2022

**New Editor Scott Brown N2OG

Presidents Corner- Covid 19
Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork
Reverse Beacon Network
Propagation tools
10 Meter Long Path By Kevan N4XL


December 2021

Contest Tips
Setting AF and RF gain
To knob, or not to knob…VFO’s
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Spotting tips, Amplifier keying, Changing font size in N1MM windows, search

November 2021

Presidents Corner: “Presidential Challenge”
Contest Tips
Solar Cycle 25 shines on CQ WW SSB
Not The Only One Thinking This Way…
SH5 log analysis tool
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips

November 2021 Supplement 2021

SH5 Reported statistics from N4XL 2021 CQWW DX SSB

October 2021

Presidents Corner: Winter & Fall Contest Seasons
Contest Tips
Clean, Punchy, Competitive Contest Audio Without Splatter
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: 72 additional CW/SSB message buttons, PTT Control Tip, Displaying GMT time, Tour command
SO2V – Two VFOs, Two Entry Windows, Two Band Maps

September 2021

Contest Tips
Contest-specific Techniques
Member Input
PVRC Tips For Working Weak Ones
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Band Map Buttons, Disappearing N1MM Windows

August 2021

Contest Tips
Contest Controversies
Contester’s Code of Ethics
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Country List, Bad Call History Files,

July 2021

SFCG Website
Contest Tips
Every Q Matters
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Recording on the Fly, Call History things, Create a Test Database

June 2021

Contest Tips
Opinions on Low-Band Operation
Member Input
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Setting up a .udc file, Function Keys, The Help Menu, Alternative to CLEARRIT Macro

May 2021

Contest Tips
Tips from the EI8IC website
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: A second entry window for SO2R/SO2V, Sound card inputs, How to Get Statistics

April 2021

Contest  Tips
Vintage Technology
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Support/How to links, Delays when using the N1MM Spectrum Window addressed

March 2021

Contest Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Interrupting messages While Operating Remotely
N1MM Band Scope Lesson Learned

February 2021

Where Have All The VHF Multi-ops Gone?
Contest Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: RTTY Things, Add on devices
General Tips from PJ2T

January 2021

Contest Tips
Pileup Control and the S&P Contester
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: N1MM & Log4OM


December 2020

Contest Tips
Every QSO Matters
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Error Reports, Ergonomics & the Contour Shuttle Express

November 2020

Presidents Corner: Increase the “Fun-Factor” During Contests with Real-Time Scoreboards
Contest Tips
Station Weak Links Excerpts are from NCJ Nov/Dec 2015 W9XT
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Changing current freq. & mode, COM port Error messages, Reverse Call History Lookup

October 2020

Contest Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
SFCG Members: Shack Survey
N1MM+ Tips: Tracking Multipliers

September 2020

Presidents Perspective: Member participation & attracting new members
Contest Tips
Contest Focus
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Editing a logged Q
Antenna Switching at N4XL

August 2020

Contest Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips Third Party Software

July 2020

The Presidents Perspective: FTx & VHF/UHF Contesting
Contest Tips
Relay Cleaning & Life
Guest Article ARRL VHF June 2020 by NU4E/Rover

June 2020

Contest Tips
Accuracy, Penalties, & Log Changes
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips Call History Files – Use, Assigning, Correcting While Contesting

May 2020

Contest Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips Programmable Band Map Window Control Buttons

April 2020

Contest  Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips N1MM F-Key & Macro tips

March 2020

Past President Tom W1TEF, SK
Contest Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips The N1MM Entry Window
CQ WPX Contest Rule Excerpts

February 2020

SFCG Meeting Saturday 1/25/20 minutes
2019 SFOTA Awards
K1AR Contest Tips
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips
Guest Article RTTY RU & FT4 by Bill N4IQ
ARRL DX Contest Rule Excerpts

January 2020

New Editor Kevan Nason N4XL
January meeting
From the reflector
Notable Mentions
Brag List
Blathers from the Editor
N1MM+ Tips


December 2019

Mentorship & The Winter Contesting Season
CQWW DX Contest Webinar
9H6A active from Xghajra, Malta
VP6R Pitcairn Island active in the CQWW DX Contest
VP6R: Accident at the Pitcairn Island DX-pedition
W4DXCC DX & Contest Convention
NASA Considers this 80 Year Old Radio Buff part of the astronaut family
9th Anniversary of the loss of the C6APR team
Propagation Tools & Contest Validation
Rope For Wire Antennas

November 2019

Presidents Corner: Increase the “Fun-Factor” During Contests with Real-Time Scoreboards
Contest Tips
Station Weak Links Excerpts are from NCJ Nov/Dec 2015 W9XT
Observations by the Editor A-Z Ham Shack Tips
N1MM+ Tips: Changing current freq. & mode, COM port Error messages, Reverse Call History Lookup

October 2019

From The President: The CQ WW RTTY DX Contest
Member Contributions: How Do You Get Better? A Few More Ideas By Kevan N4XL
Time for SEDCO!
Results: Alabama QSO Party
Aurora People Get Ready for a Show: Solar Storm Forecast 09-26-2019
Q&A Live Mini-Course: Solar Screams Hit Home— Solar Flares & Radio Bursts at Earth Sept. 28, 2019

September 2019

NAQP RTTY preliminary results posted
Hex Antenna repair @ KG4IGC
K1EEE Tower Accident
2019 Results: SCQP, NMQP, DEQP ARRL International DX Contest
Contesting clubs: What are they all about? By KG4IGC

August 2019

NAQP: A Word About Multipliers
ARRL Announces Hiram Percy Maxim’s 150th Birthday Celebration
Member Contributions: Two Transceivers Using One Antenna? By Kevan N4XL
New release of WSJT-X Version 2.1.0. From Joe K1JT

July 2019

Wet your feet with non traditional modes
13 Colonies SES
Lightning hit @ KG4IGC
Drone Footage of O’Hara after Tornado
Member Contributions: The Adventure @ NR4M, One Amazing Weekend By Dave WN4AFP
Museum Ships Weekend
3830 Group/Club Activity Trackers feature

June 2019

No June 2019 Edition

May 2019

No Contests to your liking this weekend? No Problem!
Be an Elmer 
Results from the ARRL November Sweepstakes, Phone
Voice keyer working intermittently possible causes
FLQP, NEQP results posted

April 2019

Is it possible to win a contest with bad propagation?
3Y0I Bouvet Island team update
1967 Bouvet Island Article from 73 Magazine By Gus Browning, LH4C
E6ET  Niue Island, (OC – 040) active in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest
Member Contributions: Understanding vs. Memorizing By Kevan N4XL
SO2R Duel QSO Video: YV1KK during the ARRL SSB Contest 2019
A Standalone DX Cluster for use of QSO Parties & Operating Events
Tired of untangling paracord? Try a Paracord Donut!

March 2019

Where to find SFCG Meeting Minutes
Preliminary results for the CQ WPX RTTY Contest
Membership Contributions: Trip Report to the Orlando Hamfest By Bill N4IQ
March Contests Member Scores

February 2019

SFCG Meeting rehash
DX Does Not Hear You Are They Deaf? By Ron N4VZ
How to Work DX without a common transmit frequency
Windows 7 & 8 End of Support
How to interface N1MM with WSJT-x in Contest Mode
RTTY Pointers By NJ4F

January 2019

SCQP & PAQP Results
FT8 RU, N1MM, JT Alert, & WSJT-X Chatrooms
Where to download past years ARRL contest certificates
FT8 RU Results
Maximize your score in a mixed mode contest
What the category “Unlimited” means


December 2018

Worked All Europe DX Contest RTTY results posted
Ham Safety Concerns By Kevan N4XL
Tigertronics website has guides for setting up Signalink
New Division Director George Hippisley, W2RU
Virtual Serial Port Emulator (VSPE)

November 2018

From The President: KG4IGC lessons learned, CQWW DX Contest, SSB
Formatting CQ to make the RBN happy By Kevan N4XL
Paul Bitter, W0AIH became SK after tower accident
Amateur radio permit application to Kure Atoll “denied” By Pacific Islands DXpedition Group

October 2018

From the President: Fall Antenna Farm Maintenance
CWTeacher Software
Who cares about Rob Sherwood? By Kevan N4XL
K1AR Contest Tips
Solar Storm Report & Space WX:
W1JT announces release of WSJT-X 2.0 rc1.

September 2018

From the President: Comments on the 2nd Advanced Contest Class
SCQP results available on the SCQP website
2018 CQ WPX SSB results posted
NIST takes aim at WWVB, WWV, & WWVH
W4DXCC DX & Contest Convention (SEDCO)
Archived Ham Radio Resources By Kevan N4XL
Charleston Amateur Radio Society Repeater list
Interested in working on your CW skills? Check out
Via CWOps and ARRL: Enigma Special Event


August 2018

Station Grounding
ARRL Ham Radio Insurance
13 Colonies SES, ARRL DX SSB  Results
CQ World Wide Contest rules updated for 2018
Member Contributions: Ignorant By Kevan N4XL
Raw Scores from WRTC Posted

July 2018

W1TEF new 13 Colonies SC Manager
Museum Ships on the Air/13 Colonies SES
SFCG & SCDXA sponsor Competitive Contesting Class
Competitive Contesting Class By Kevan N4XL

June 2018

 Yaesu FTDX101, Kenwood 890S debut @Dayton Hamfest
Cookie Crumble Contest
ARRL Field Day, 13 Colonies SES
WRTC 2018 By Kevan N4XL
2018 Dayton Hamfvention (Xenia, Ohio) By Bill N4IQ
Scoring Changes in the 2017 CQWW CW Contest
2017 CQWW DX, RTTY RU results posted
N4XL SO2R Project: Filters, Attenuation, and Automated Antenna Switching

May 2018

Frank Donnovan W3LPL Cycle 24-25 comments
QSO Parties: What are they and why are they so fun?
N4XL, WU0B setting up for SO2R
April edition of the “Printed Circuit” Tallahassee ARC
2017 Final Results: CQWW CW
Pileup Runner & Morse Runner CW Practice software

April 2018

From The President: SFCG, Dutch Fork ARC sponsors competitive Contesting Class
The Importance of backing up your Hamshack Computer
Member Contributions: K1AR’s Contesting Tips By Kevan N4XL
CQ WPX SSB Pointers
End Sends Message hints
Results for Vermont QP, New England QP, WPX Raw Scores posted

March 2018

From The President: My Activation of Chesterfield in the SCQP
Refresher of the use of our Club Call WW4SF
The World Radio Operators Foundation By Kevan N4XL
How To Make A Simple Faraday Cage
Berlarc Advisor, Advanced System Care, & Microsoft System File Check Utility
An Explanation of Cut Numbers

February 2018

From The President: Greenwood and Charleston Hamfests
SFCG Facebook Page
Goodbye Yahoo, Hello
Member Contributions: Lessons Learned Oso, Wa ARES Deployment By Kevan N4XL
SFCG Members visited by Murphy

January 2018

From The President: New SFCG Website Resources
Intermediate Contest Class in the works
Member Contributions: Expect The Unexpected By Kevan N4XL
Preliminary Results OK DX RTTY 2017
N6AA censorship and proposed BOD changes
Qscope: Logbook Analysis website


December 2017

From your President: SFCG 4th Anniversary
Dave WB5NHL receives 5 band DXCC award from the ARRL
Oops and X-QSO By Kevan N4XL
Article Link: ARRL Sweepstakes
Preliminary scores  PAQP posted
Slow down your sending speed during high noise levels and worsening band conditions
How you can use a grey line program to your advantage presentation by N4II

November 2017

From your President: Fall/Winter contesting season has begun
SCQP committee is looking for sponsoring clubs
Contesting presentation by Anthony K8ZT
Myrtle Beach Hamfest report
DX Cluster Filters By Kevan N4XL
School Club Roundup, CW WW SSB raw scores posted
Audio recordings in the CQWW contests & QSOorder plug in for N1MM
Tips on how to improve your contest rates
Murphy makes his rounds in SFCG members hamshacks
ARRL Grid Square Chase
Field Day, School Club Roundup, and June VHF contest results posted

October 2017

From Your President: CQ WW SSB strategies
Can a station effectively S&P running a tube amp?
Yaesu FT-DX3000 can only do 45 baud RTTY through USB port
Qscope log analyzer
Hone your CW skills on
DXMaps QSO/SWL real time information

September 2017

From your President: Tropical Storm Irma, What do you do to prepare yourself for an upcoming contest?
30 Days- 30 Ham Radio Contesting Tips By Scot K9JY
WW4SF on the air for the Solar Eclipse QSO Party
N1MM issue/solution for Dupe issue with KSQP mobiles
Best for his Kenwood TS-480, 500 Hz or 270 Hz & TCXO package
Bill N4IQ shares some details of his SO2R operation
The Online Contest Server

August 2017

From your President: Station maintenance and planning for serious club competition
Perseids Meteor Shower August 11th- the 13th
Solar Eclipse QSO Party on Monday, August 21st
Bill N4IQ earns Level II medallion for the 1500 band-countries Challenge Award
QST reports upcoming changes to improve the quality of the competition and reporting of results
2017 BARTG HF contest posted
Gil KS4YX was the featured ham July 30th, 2017 on QRZ
The World Wide Flora and Fauna Experience By Gil Huggins KS4YX
Flight of the Bumblebees QRP contest
2017 ARRL RTTY Roundup Results Posted,
SFCG #22 in Medium Category 252,632 points 9 ops.

July 2017

No July 2017 Edition of the SFCG Newsletter

June 2017

New Editor: Frank Baranek KG4IGC

W1TEF Stepping down as President due to health, new nominees selected
NE4EA working on new station setup
NI7R Phil makes first major contest effort in the WPX CW at new QTH
Direct hit from a solar storm during WPX CW
Contest University Forum videos from Xenia (Dayton Hamfest)  available online
Raw scores posted for the CQWPX CW Contest
Field Day & Museum Ships OTA weekend
AJ5E Robert and the Trident Amateur Radio Club put the CSS Hunley (N4HLH) on the air
2016 ARRL Sweepstakes Phone Results,
SFCG #40 in Medium Category with 107,436 points & 4 entries
2016 ARRL 160 Meter Contest results,
SFCG #27 Medium Category with 81,932 points & four participants

No Newsletter Editor between January-May 2017


December 2016

Swamp Foxes On The Air (SFOTA) announced
SFOTA leaderboard up and running reports Tony K4AMA
Tornado damage at N4IQ
What is a “UBN report”?

October/November 2016

SFCG members hurricane damage
Membership continues to grow
FCC seeking comments regarding Vanity call signs

September 2016

Preparation for the upcoming SC/NC QSO Parties (Feb 2017)
Dave WN4AFP and Tony K4AMA working on new SFOTA contest
13 Colonies certificates arriving

August 2016

SFCG members work 13 Colonies event
Gary W4EEY and Bill N4IQ are teaching a 10 week General class upstate
Good attendance at 2nd Contest Class in North Charleston
N4IQ Bill: SFCG CW team fared well in NAQP compared to other clubs our size
Dave NJ4F looking for new club President
Bill N4IQ receives 50 year membership pin from ARRL

July 2016

SFCG members work 13 Colonies event
Gary W4EEY and Bill N4IQ are teaching a 10 week General class upstate
Contest Class to be held Aug 6th

June 2016

Russ W4STR passes Extra exam
Club Website renewed
2nd Contesting Class to be held at the Red Cross Building in N. Charleston
New contest – SA-Sprint

May 2016

Loyd W4LVH confirms Mozambique , working toward 200 for
Mixed DXCC and is up to 646/562 for the Challenge
Dave WN4AFP passes Extra Exam
Ron N4VZ adds  a Flex-6500 to his shack
Swap shop created on SFCG website

April 2016

Museum Ship Weekend
Antenna Party: New Hex beam at KG4IGC
Contesting 101 class at the ETV building in Columbia review

March 2016

SCQP participation up
Contest Tips
Radio repairman Paul Hansen from Anderson has relocated to the
Atlanta area, and no longer limits his work to ICOM radios.
SFCG President NJ4F Invited to speak at the Anderson ARC 50th Celebration
Trident Amateur Radio Club celebrates it’s 43rd anniversary
Cut Numbers

February 2016

NJ4F & N4XL working on lesson plan for Beginner Contesting Class
SFCG members participating in National Parks on the Air
Schofield Middle School participates in the School Club Roundup
SCQP facts from Dave WN4AFP
How to minimize blown calls
Guest Article RTTY RU & FT4 by Bill N4IQ
ARRL DX Contest Rule Excerpts

January 2016

Editor Dave Fuseler NJ4F
HL Hunley special event station during SCQP
Video presentation of the SCQP
KG4IGC activates Vicksburg Military National Park
Implementation of club dues voted on at annual meeting
Contesting Primer class is being organized
DXHeat spotting website
Dave NJ4F has awarded 5BWAS, DXCC-CW & DXCC-Phone certificates


December 2015

SFCG evolves into state-wide club
Newsletter well received by members
New Club Logo & gear created
SCQP date changed to co-ordinate with NCQP
Ariel NY4G sponsoring a QRP DXCC Challenge award. Must do it in 100 days, 5 watts or less

November 2015

Club has discussion about Remote operation, operation assisted vs. unassisted
Dave WB5NHL works with N4SMS (Schofield Middle School) School Club Roundup
SFCG does well in the 2015 CQ WW WPX SSB & CW contests

October 2015

Heavy rains cause flooding at KG4IGC
Alan W4ANT helps NJ4F fix rotor
NJ4F appointed as an ARRL card checker

Dave WB5NHL took 2nd place in the Go Kit competition at 3rd annual Aiken County GO-KIT Exhibition
W1TEF starts the SCQP forum on Yahoo