Interested in becoming a member? We would be delighted to hear from you! Please submit an application for membership. Please note that this club has yearly membership dues that help pay club expenses.
1. Individual Member: $10
2. Family Membership (Must reside with primary member): $10
3. Student Membership
(any student from elementary through and including undergraduate in college): No dues requirement
Thank you for your interest in the Swamp Fox Contest Group.
Dues and donations may be paid here:
To pay by mail:
Make check payable to: Swamp Fox Contest Group
Address: SFCG, Via: Scott KG9V, P.O.Box 733, Fort Mill, SC 29716
PLEASE NOTE: To send dues via PayPal (via your PayPal account), send to: [email protected] and select friends and family option, not the business services mode.