Welcome to the Swamp Fox Contest Group!

We are an ARRL affiliated ham radio contesting club located in South Carolina. Our main purpose is to compete as a club and enjoy the competition and camaraderie of contesting. We also offer assistance to club members with technical issues and promote good operating practices. Club members keep in touch via our club reflector on Groups.io and also regular email.

Current Swamp Fox Contest Group Officers 2024
President: Ed K3DNE
Vice President: Dave WN4AFP
Treasurer: Scott KG9V
Secretary: Kevan N4XL

We are always seeking new members who are actively involved in contesting. Dues are $10.00 a year which help pay for contest sponsorships, this website and other club expenses. If you are interested in becoming a member, please submit an application here. For more information about the club and its activities, please contact:

Ed Kucharski K3DNE [email protected]
Dave Edmonds WN4AFP [email protected]